University of Arizona, Department of Computer Science

CSc 120 (Fall 24): Assignment 1

Start Date: Wed Aug 28
Due Date: Short problems: 7:00 PM, Wednesday, Sep 4
OCA-1 Video: 11:00pm Saturday Aug 31
Long problems: 7:00 PM, Saturday, Sep 7

This assignment aims to review various Python concepts covered in CSc 110—specifically: reading from a file; lists; 2-D lists (lists of lists); simple conditionals and loops; and functions (including passing values into and out of functions).

General Requirements

  1. You do not need to provide comments for the short problems.
  2. For the long problems, your code should follow the style guidelines for the class. Your long programs must define a main() function. For reference, see the 01_Python_review lecture slides, from slide 110 to 114.
  3. You may not use Python material not presented in class. Each long problem specification lists the language contructs that you are not allowed to use. If you don't know what any of those are, don't worry, because you cannot use them accidentally.

Submission Instructions

Short Problems:
Your short problems should be submitted to CloudCoder. Use this link:

Long Problems:
Submit the following files to Gradescope: Note: The autograder on Gradescope will not be available until Tuesday, Sep 3.

NOTE: use underscores in the file names, not dashes.

Short Problems (Due 7:00pm Wed, Sep 4)

(20 points)

These problems have to be solved and submitted to CloudCoder. Use this link:

The process for turning in your solutions is as follows:

The short problems for this assignment are the following:

  1. Number to letter

  2. List to string (Version 1)

  3. List to string (Version 2)

  4. Column to list

  5. Grid is square

  6. cv_match

  7. max consec sum

Long Problems (Due 7:00pm Sat, Sep 7)

(30 + 50 = 80 points)

  1. Word grid

  2. Word search